Los Panky's on burgertape

I always knew my dad had been a rocker in his not so distant past – pre family and career life – but I had no clue how good or cool his band was until I discovered a few of his 45’s and a compilation LP hidden in the depths of his record collection.

As soon as the first few notes blasted out of my speakers, I was truly in shock. This music was just as good, if not better, than the garage rock stuff my friends and I already listened to. Had I just rediscovered an obscure teen garage punk gem? And more importantly, why had my dad never showed me this?! These records quickly became a favorite amongst my circle of friends, I made and distributed countless CDR copies to anyone who seemed interested.  I vowed that I would somehow someday get this released. I knew people needed to hear it, and the more and more I researched the band, the more I saw that they were a favorite on garage rock blogs and among collectors, which made me even more determined to get the music out there.



One evening, Burger Records posted something like “Were any of your family members in any obscure bands in the 50’s-70’s? If so, we want to hear it!” I had wanted to reach out to Burger for a long while, but I needed the perfect opportunity. I knew they received probably hundreds and hundreds of demo submissions and emails a day, and I didn’t want this to get lost in the shuffle – like it did 47 years ago. I emailed them some pictures, a zip with 14 or so tracks, and a brief bio, and got a speedy response from Label head, Sean Borhrman… They were interested in releasing a tape, and eventually helping out with the LP repress. We set up a meeting shortly after, and here we are today.



Formed in the slums of Mexico City – where you either ended up a criminal, dead, working a dead end job, or featured on the front page of “Alarma” magazine, in 1963 – they originally called themselves the Black Diamonds, and later Las Animas, but finally settled on Los Panky’s. They were among the first wave of teen (ranging from 15-18 years old) garage rock bands in the country.  Like most young bands, they rehearsed day-in and day-out on crappy equipment, got their start playing any, and as many, local gigs and house parties that they could, and they quickly become a favorite among the local scene, drawing the attention of Mexican record labels Cisne and Discos Orfeon. Depending on who you ask, you’ll get a different version of how the record deal came about, but one thing is for certain, they were truly deserving of it.

1966 saw the release of two 4 song EPs, as well as an LP, Es Solo Amor, and an appearance on the Hanky Panky 66 compilation LP, which featured other popular Mexican garage bands, all on the Cisne Label. In addition, the group enjoyed much airplay, countless spreads in Mexican rock magazine “Mexico Canta,” a national tour, and a live performance on Mexican rock television show, “Orfeon a Go-Go.”

Los Panky’s, like many of their contemporaries, were very short lived, and although they had a successful career, they would soon fade into obscurity. Today, they have become a favorite and sought after band amongst collectors, with records fetching several hundreds of dollars.



Not only was I finally able to accomplish a long time goal of mine to somehow get this properly released again, but I was also able to track down Cesar, the singer of Los Panky’s, and got him and my father in touch again after 47+ years of not knowing what became of one another. Hopefully they will see each other again one day. Ultimately, I would love for them to play at least one more show – maybe one in the US for the first time, hopefully Burger Boogaloo in 2016. The response online has been tremendous, so I wouldn’t rule anything out.

The new release, available now on Burger Records cassette and coming soon on vinyl, compiles most of Los Panky’s recordings, including both EP’s, the LP, the compilation tracks, as well as their first ever recording of “A Las 5 PM.” There are a few more random recordings out there somewhere, but tracking them down has been impossible. The LP release will be coming very soon. Until then, I hope you enjoy these recordings.

Los Panky’s Facebook, Bandcamp, and shop some rad merch!


A Homie Post is a guest features by some pals of Cool-Tite.

About this Homie:


We met RSM years ago in the Santa Barbara DIY punk scene and we have managed to keep in touch over good music since.  RSM and Crash the Clubs are an active part of the Southern California hardcore punk scene, bringing regular, all-ages shows to to the masses!


Los Panky’s were…

Los Panky's Cisne Shot

Cesar “Larky” Hernandez: Vocals

Julio “Yulmer” Saldivar: Guitar

Raul San Martin: Drums

Marcel Ruano: Guitar

Ramon / Silverio Perez: Bass