(+++ FROTH @ Viva! El Ley 01.25.2015 by Cool-Tite +++)
Monday, May 11, 2015
– Ministry @ The Grove of Anaheim. $46 bones. 8pm.
Wednesday, May 13, 2015
– Flamin’ Groovies performing Shake Some Action @ The Roxy. $22 bones. 8pm.

– Ex-Cult with FEELS @ The Smell. $7 bones. 9pm.
– FROTH with Vaadat Charigim and Winter @ The Echo. $10 bones. 8:30 pm.

Thursday, May 14, 2015
– Corners with Tropical Popsicle @ The Echoplex. $10 bones. 7pm.

– MDC with Deathwish, Corrupted Youth, and more @ Los Globos. $12 bones. 7pm.

– Fool’s Gold with The Happy Hollows @ The Troubadour. $13 bones. 8pm.
– Woods with Alex Bleeker and the Freaks @ The Echo. $13 bones. 8:30pm.

Friday, May 15, 2015
– Ex Hex with The Shivas @ The Roxy. $15 bones. 9pm.

– Psycho California feat. EYEHATEGOD, Municipal Waste, Russian Circles and a whole bunch more @ The Observatory. $150 for all 3 days.
Saturday, May 16, 2015
– Psycho California feat. SLEEP, EARTH, Acid Witch, Kylesa, Sub Rosa, Pallbearer, Sourvein, and a whole bunch more @ The Observatory! $150 for all 3 days. 2pm.

– Two Gallants @ The Roxy. $15 bones. 9pm.
– The Memories @ The Smell. $5 bones. 9pm.
Sunday, May 17, 2015
– Psycho California feat. Pentagram, Om, Bongzilla, Earthless, and a whole bunch more @ The Observatory. $150 for all 3 days. 2pm.