Cool-Tite’s Best Albums of 2017

Cool-Tite’s Best Albums of 2017

We did it, we survived 2017.  While we each made it generally unscathed, the year was certainly trying.  We often found ourselves feeling numb to the world – boiling with angst over the daily curtailment of our rights, watching the rich, white hegemony use their...
Cool vs. Tite: “Davey Crockett”

Cool vs. Tite: “Davey Crockett”

We haven’t done a “Cool vs. Tite” in awhile, and since Hinds is playing in town later this week, I thought we could talk about their cover jam of “Davey Crockett”. The original song was done by Billy Childish and his band Thee Headcoats in...
Cool vs. Tite: “The Mummy”

Cool vs. Tite: “The Mummy”

If you know The Cramps – like really, really know and love THE CRAMPS – then you’ve probably found yourself trying to find the bottom of the grave built by garage rock’s past (a very worthwhile venture).  The Cramps have influenced the creation...
Cool vs. Tite: “Block of Ice”

Cool vs. Tite: “Block of Ice”

“Block of Ice” is a damn good song. No doubts. But we were a bit confused on where the hell it came from?! Thee Oh Sees? The Intelligence? Somewhere else??? So here’s what we know…. John Dwyer has been churning out music as Thee Oh Sees since 1997....