Cool-Tite’s Best Albums of 2016

Cool-Tite’s Best Albums of 2016

  This year has been a gnarly one, to say the least. We survived what felt like a never ending wedding season (including that of our own Cool-Tite Crystal and Sergio!), felt the repeated shock and loss of an insurmountable number of personal heroes, legends, and...
Cool-Tite Does Desert Daze: Photos + Recap

Cool-Tite Does Desert Daze: Photos + Recap

What a trip!  Desert Daze 2016 met all exceptions and proved to once again be our favorite, most chillest, music festival and overall experience of the year.  Major high fives to Moon Block, Spaceland, and all those involved in making this magical, unforgettable...
Cool-Tite Guide to Desert Daze 2016

Cool-Tite Guide to Desert Daze 2016

Desert Daze 2016 is coming up real quick! Only 2 days away! Last year’s DD was one of our fave fests of the year – Kim and The Created and Zig-Zags’ high energy in the blazing sun, LA Witch’s mesmerizing sunset psych-out, and Warpaint’s...